
Career Soulmate Email

Value-added Sales Email

Using Adobe InDesign and Mailchimp

Email marketing is one way to add value while promoting services. It is especially helpful as it is a channel that can help reach and retain current customers and other audience members, at a low cost.

Email Newsletter

Context: This email newsletter was created for Preview Careers, a platform that provides informational interviews with industry professionals, mock interview prep with hiring managers and more, to support students’ career journeys. I’ve also created email newsletters for BASS LAUNCH and SFU Wish Youth Network Society, within holistic marketing roles.

Key Message: Preview Careers is an industry expert in career building, with strong connections to helpful industry professionals, ready to help you discover your career path and reach your goals

Goal: Increase informational interview and prep interview sign-ups

Key Considerations & Steps

1. Ideating the newsletter topic and title, considering an upcoming holiday - Valentine’s Day, through browsing other career-related articles

2. Conducting and compiling research into easy-to-understand, memorable and impactful tips (adding tips, unrelated to Preview Careers also ensures content isn’t too “salesy” and demonstrates the company’s love for just helping students with other suggestions)

3. Naturally incorporating two of Preview Careers’ services, aligned with the newsletter topic:

• Informational interviews are incorporated into the list of advice

• Prep interviews (a.k.a. mock interviews) are promoted through showcasing an experienced industry professional in our network, Peter and how he will help students in a mock interview; thereby humanizing the company by shining a light on the people behind it and clearly showcasing the benefits of his past experience and expertise

Peter's area of expertise resides in the tech space which aligns with our audience segment: students interested in pursuing a career in tech

4. Writing effective and relatable content, using a personable tone of voice and the right language aligning with our target audience of young post-secondary students

5. Compiling other design elements like images, free stock photos, graphics and icons from sites including Pexels, Freepik and Flaticon

6. Designing themed, branded content via platforms like InDesign, skills developed through self-directed learning via online sources such as Youtube tutorials, alongside mentorship

7. Leveraging images as buttons through dividing up the graphic I created and individually linking the images to relevant web pages, with two directed to Preview Careers’ informational interview page

8. Maximizing awareness and conversions by mass sending the email newsletter at the right day and time to segmented audience group based on past user behaviour via Mailchimp analytics

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