
Facebook Insights

Tracking Facebook Post Metrics

Using Facebook Insights

Metrics are integral to determining whether the content created is suitable for the audience and whether the content is reaching the target market.

Context: I tracked and considered Facebook post metrics for Preview Careers, BASS LAUNCH, SFU Business Administration Student Society, SFU Wish Youth Network Society, ezWake App and Learning Disabilities Career Conference, within holistic marketing roles.

Key Considerations & Steps:

My process for leveraging these metrics is determining how suitable the content is for the audience and using metrics as a key performance indicator, determine what marketing strategies generate the highest engagement, reach etc. through experimenting and A/B testing. For example, content with a location tag usually generates higher reach, meaning more of our target audience will see it and hopefully derive value from it and convert. Further, reach is important because we want to solve a potential customer's problem, with our product or service and a higher reach means a higher chance of finding those customers who need our help. The amount of clicks, for example, is also important in determining whether the service line or company's offerings meet consumer demands for them to want to convert or learn more.

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