Marketing Strategy

Proxxi Strategy

Proxxi, an electrical safety wrist band and data dashboard, was looking for a top-of-the-funnel and sales strategy

Created for: Campbell Macdonald, CEO and the Proxxi team


1. Lack of scalable sales process; providing an opportunity to increase inbound leads with a targeted digital marketing strategy and create sales enablement documents that efficiently reach and educate prospects

2. Lack of communication surrounding the benefits of this technical, niche product

Impact: Drive awareness and action from inbound leads through educating prospects on the scope of the problem Proxxi is solving and its benefits, via a digital marketing campaign and sales enablement document

Key Contributions:

•  Identified gaps and opportunities, based on Proxxi’s current sales and marketing strategy

•  Analyzed customer pain points and needs to communicate product benefits customers care about, in marketing messaging

•  Analyzed customer journey and content

•  Created holistic marketing strategy with an overarching key message and goal

•  Created step-by-step LinkedIn ad implementation guide, using LinkedIn Campaign Manager, detailed with target audience attributes, explanations, practical examples and KPI projections

Key Highlights & Considerations

Proxxi Slide Deck Highlight

Proxxi Sales Enablement Document Highlight

Proxxi Sales Enablement Document Highlight

Proxxi Sales Enablement Document Highlight

Final Client Deliverables

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